Embark on a captivating underwater journey in the heart of Apoyo and Xiloa Lakes, both situated on the renowned 'Ring of Fire' in the enchanting southwestern region of Nicaragua. These stunning aquatic environments, home to fascinating endemic fish species, unfold within the craters created by powerful volcanic explosions. Apoyo's active thermal vents and Xiloa's astonishing 80 meters depth underwater cliff are testaments to the awe-inspiring forces of nature.
Additionally, akin to Darwin's finches on the Galapagos Islands, where each island hosts distinct finch species, over the course of several millennia of evolution, each volcanic lake has now developed its own unique species of fish.
1 Dive $35
3 Dives $100
5 Dives $150
10 Dives $320
Extra Night Dive $10
For Apoyo and Xiloa Lakes only.
If you are interested to dive in the Pacific Ocean or the Carribean Sea, take a look at our Dive Vacation Package below or contact us to create your own tailor made dive journey!
Main courses:
Specialty requiring 2 dives $140
Specialty requiring 3 dives $200
Specialty requiring 4 dives $250
*Choose an adventure dive from the specialties listed
All courses take place in Apoyo Lake
From vibrant coral gardens to mysterious volcanic lakes, embark on an unforgettable diving adventure with the Diving Trilogy.
The journey starts in Costa Rica, allowing us to delve into the wonders of the Pacific Ocean. Then we venture into Nicaragua, exploring the unique volcanic lakes. Moving eastward, we'll reach the pristine Caribbean Sea before circling back to the breathtaking landscapes of Costa Rica.
Led by two experienced ecologists, this tour goes beyond traditional diving experiences, offering a unique blend of adventure and education, as you witness the delicate balance of nature beneath the waves and deepen your knowledge of marine and aquatic biodiversity. This journey will also give you three PADI Specialty Certification: Fish Identification, Underwater Naturalist, and Coral Reef Conservation.
Immerse yourself not only in the exhilarating dives but also in the rich culture and natural beauty of both countries during our exploration breaks between underwater escapades.
Join us for a journey that combines the thrill of diving with the discovery of diverse landscapes and vibrant culture!
*For Divers
Not included:
Since many options and variations are available for this journey, a specific itinerary will be discussed with you and organize beforehand.
Contact us to get all the information about what's possible!
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